Two Health Tips for Farmers

There are quite a few health risks associated with working on a farm. If you're a farmer, here are some tips that should help to ensure that your occupation doesn't result in you developing health problems. Get a full-body skin cancer check once a year Most farmers spend a lot of the workday outdoors, doing things such as planting and harvesting crops, taking care of their livestock, sanitising their farmyard and repairing farm equipment. [Read More]

Over-the-Counter: Protecting Your Child From Overdoses

The majority of Australian families keep over-the-counter medicines at home. Because these medicines can be purchased without a prescription, many people believe they can do no harm. However, some over-the-counter medication can be fatal if taken in overdose. One of primary over-the-counter medications which is a cause of fatal overdoses is paracetamol. Below is a guide to the steps you can take to keep your family safe from the risk of overdose. [Read More]

3 Ways a Vascular Ultrasound Can Help You

If you have been diagnosed with a problem which affects your vascular system, it is likely that the specialist will want to conduct an ultrasound. A vascular ultrasound can provide the surgeon who will be treating your condition with lots of useful information. Below is a guide to how a vascular ultrasound can be used to assess your health and the treatment you will receive. Read on to find out more. [Read More]

Four Signs It Is Time to Upgrade Your Orthotic Inserts

Orthotic inserts provide you with the support you need, and they are constructed by your podiatrist depending on your needs. However, in the same way shoes are prone to wear and tear, your shoe inserts can also wear out and become less functional. Under normal circumstances, shoe inserts can last up to 6 months, but this depends on factors like use intensity and your foot structure. If you are a runner who is regularly engaged in the sport, you may need to replace your inserts every three to four months. [Read More]